22 Apr Cheap {yummy} Cuisine – Toasted Marshmallow Shake
Today I figured I’d grace you guys with a cheap and easy dessert. I was inspired to try this treat when Emily from Cupcakes and Cashmere tested it out months ago. After finally purchasing a blender ($40 from Bed Bath & Beyond), I bought the ingredients for what would turn out to be a great dessert for dinner guests.
vanilla ice cream: $2.47
milk: $1.02
plain yogurt: 80¢
marshmallows: $1.24
I didn’t really measure anything, I just eyeballed it.
But here are the quick steps:
-toast marshmallows in your broiler for a minute or so. Keep a close eye on them so you don’t burn them (like I did the first time), you just want them slightly toasted and gooey.
-Place ice cream, dash of milk and yogurt in the blender. Add a few of the toasted marshmallows.
-Blend for 2-3 minutes
-Pour mixture in a glass and top off with two of the toasted marshmallows
-Add straw and enjoy
This shake is dangerous. And I mean dangerous as in I drank two of them in one sitting.
If you’re having a get together with friends, this is an easy, yummy treat for all to enjoy. And since most of the ingredients are already in your fridge or freezer (minus the marshmallows), it’s as simple as pie!
Posted at 08:50h, 23 AprilThis looks good. I am seriously going to try this.
Posted at 09:55h, 23 AprilI just went out and bought some marshmallows 🙂 You’re ruining my diet!
Posted at 19:02h, 25 Aprillooks yummy i cant wait to try it,i cant believe YOU brought a blender lol