30 Jun Cheap Chic Accessories – Rachel Stewart
I’m an accessories fiend so I love discovering new lines. First I told you about Frolick and now here’s Rachel Stewart. The line includes earrings, necklaces, headbands and brooches, and nothing is over $40.
I don’t even know how to describe the custom-made jewelry other than funky, fresh and FLY. I could also describe them as retro and original.
{designer inspired}
High Society earrings, $25
Rich Bitch necklace, $30
{throwback feel}
Mixtape earrings, $20
Gold Afro Pick earrings, $30
With cute pieces like these, it’s understandable why they sell out so quickly, but she tends to restock pretty often.
{musical inspiration}
Michael Jackson earrings, $35
Stevie Wonder necklace, $30
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Posted at 17:56h, 30 June[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Living Fly on a Dime, Living Fly on a Dime. Living Fly on a Dime said: New Post: The funky, FLY accessories line I'm craving, and nothing's over $40 http://fb.me/zFFybAoj […]
her steeze.
Posted at 09:23h, 04 Julylove, love. and love. thanks for the 411. i want homegirl’s glasses in the first picture.
Christen Rochon
Posted at 18:00h, 04 JulyI love, love, love those mixtape earrings! DID I MENTION….LOVE THEM?
Pingback:Cheap Chic Accessories – pnkElephant | Living Fly on a Dime
Posted at 07:52h, 21 July[…] now you know I love accessories (as witnessed here and here), my motto is the bigger and bolder, the better. So imagine my surprise when I came across […]