28 Sep Thrifty Threads – Nate Berkus Show

{with Nate and fashion expert Dannielle Kyrillos}
{with Nate and fashion expert Dannielle Kyrillos}
Hey fellow budget and thrift lovers, Some of you are regular readers and many of you just discovered me due to my Nate Berkus Show appearance yesterday. I'll be resuming regular posts on Monday, but I just wanted to give you an official introduction to the blog.I mostly post about thrift shopping and thrifting tips but I also cover other budget fashion news. Last year I started a Thrifty Threads 365 challenge {a full year where I didn't purchase any new clothing, I just thrifted} and I completed the...
Fridays are usually my Thrifty Threads posts where I show you guys how I put together outfits using my thrift store finds, but you'll notice there's no photo of my fly threads. That's because my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge {a year of only purchasing thrift store clothing} officially ended yesterday. Yes, I made it through an entire year of only relying on thrift stores for my "new" clothes. I can honestly say I've had a blast on this challenge that was anything but challenging. I hope I've showed you guys...
Leather in the summer time? The two just didn't seem to mix. However, I've been obsessed with leather shorts ever since my homie Danielle {aka The Style & Beauty Doctor} rocked a pair at a concert we went to last year. I've been on the look out for them at my fave thrift stores but never lucked up.
I've never been a fan of cropped tops. I mean, they're cute and everything but I always felt a little weird about exposing my stomach. However, when I found an adorable one at the Housing Works Buy the Bag sale, I knew it had to come home with me. Since I'm not fully ready to show the world my belly button, I paired the top with a high waist skirt, also from Housing Works, where I walked away with clothing for 35 cents a piece.