01 Oct Thrifty Threads 365 – Twelve Month Review

Another month down, so it’s time to recap my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge {a full year where I only thrift shop for clothes and accessories, no new items}. My budget for each month is $50 and how much did I spend for the month of August? *drum roll* Exactly $0. Yup, zero.
I have a problem. A serious problem. For as long as I can remember, I've rarely, if ever, been able to wear white without getting a stain on it. I always manage to spill a drink, get an ink stain or rub up against something. Due to this, I stay away from wearing white.
Earlier this week I showed you my recent Housing Works haul from the Buy the Bag sale. But I found so many goodies {63 pieces for $50 equals less than 80 cents for each item}, I had to split the post up over two days. I gave you a glimpse at the awesome coats and tops I nabbed {including a St. John cardigan} and now it's time for the bottoms.
Another month down, so it’s time to recap my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge {a full year where I only thrift shop for clothes and accessories, no new items}. My budget for each month is $50 and how much did I spend for the month of July? *drum roll* Exactly $50.