fur-collar-leather-jacket-black-printed-skirt-fishnet-tights If you've been a steady Looking Fly on a Dime reader, then you probably know I love the combination of fur and leather. For a recent outfit I paired two of my thrift faves {Old Navy leather jacket and H&M fur collar} on a day that was chilly but not frigid.And I kept the thrift love going with a little black and white action. Mixing prints can be tricky, but I have an effortless solution for that!

thrift-shopping-myths-thrift-misconceptionsIt's no secret that thrift shopping has become chic and some people {self included!} proudly show off their thrift store scores. But you would be amazed at the horrible thrift shopping myths I constantly hear. And I'm sure you've heard them too or maybe you even believe a few.From the cleanliness to the sizes they include, below are 5 common myths about thrift shopping and why you should debunk them ASAP!

If you're anything like me, you haven't done any holiday shopping. I know, I know. Christmas is just a week away {eek!}. But you're not totally out of luck. While the malls may be ridiculously crowded and your online delivery might not arrive on time, the thrift shop is your perfect solution for any last minute holiday gifts.
Yes, some people aren't into thrifting and might not want clothes from the secondhand store, but we all know you can thrift way more than just clothes! Check out seven gifts you can find at your local thrift shop. I guarantee the recipient will love the uniqueness and your wallet won't have to suffer.