Family-dollar-fashion-haul-family-dollar-just-be-collection-family-dollar-fashion-cheap-chic-review I love doing the What's In Store posts and showing you guys what cheap chic retailers are offering for the season. It's not just displaying pictures, but reviewing the quality of the material, pricing and sharing a few style tips.This week it's all about Family Dollar. If you've been following my Snapchat adventures or Instagram pics, then you know I've been wearing their new Just Be...line over the past few weeks. And let me tell you, I was pleasantly surprised.

fashion-snapchat-snapchat-to-follow-style-adviceOk, I'm late to the party, but um, Snapchat is great. Now that I finally know how to use it {there's a learning curve!}, it's not just fun, but useful for the blog.Of course I have Instagram, Facebook and Twitter where I share updates while I'm out shopping, but Snapchat is a bit different. I went thrifting last weekend and it was great to be able to show you guys the step by step process as it was happening.