It happened gradually. Well, gradually as in a year or two. First it was a snug fit here. Then a ripped zipper there. I was gaining weight.Before I get into this post, I want to make a few things clear: gaining weight isn't a horrible thing. I'm also not fishing for compliments. But this post is about something real. A question that many women can face.
How do you dress when you find yourself suddenly gaining weight and feeling less than comfortable in your existing clothes?I can honestly answer that because it's been happening to me for the past year or so. Again, I'm not seeking anyone to tell me, "
Patrice, what are you talking about, you look great!!!" or "girl, stop. You're only a size 8."This has nothing to do with size but more so
how to dress your body when your body starts to change. And as I've noticed the number on the scale creep up a bit {I don't even own an actual scale, I just step on one at Target when I'm there shopping for other stuff!} due to age but also horrible habits I've developed, I can tell you one thing.