Another month down {seriously, how is it April already?} and another month of my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge. If you're new to the site and don't know about TT365 {read up about it here}, it's a year long quest where I can only purchase thrifted clothes and accessories. The only new items I can wear are undergarments {obviously, I'm not going to buy secondhand undies} and any gifted clothing I may receive. Oh, and did I mention I can only spend $50 a month? Yeah, only 50 bucks. Though I went over my clothing budget in January, I've been under budget every other month.
Last week I gave you the first part of my 10 Thrift Shopping Commandments and here's the final five. They're in no particular order as they're all crucial to ensure a happy, productive thrifting experience.
Would I Buy It At Full Price?
This is the question you need to ask yourself before buying anything. Cheap prices can be mighty alluring so you want to be sure you're not solely buying something because it's a steal. Though a dress may be $2, it'll be a total waste of cash if you never wear it.