I frequently have people tell me that only major cities have great thrift stores. This is one of the biggest thrift myths I've  encountered. I constantly reassure people great secondhand shops can be found throughout the country or the world, it's just a matter of finding a gem. Though I'm in NYC, trust me, I've run in to some crappy thrift stores in the Big Apple.

Last week I was visiting family in Ohio and I found two supersized thrift stores, a Salvation Army and Goodwill. The fam and I made a trip to the Salv {7000 Heisler Road, Mentor Ohio} and I was amazed.

Though we were in the middle of a small town, the store was massive and had a great selection.

Fridays are usually my Thrifty Threads posts where I show you guys how I put together outfits using my thrift store finds, but you'll notice there's no photo of my fly threads. That's because my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge {a year of only purchasing thrift store clothing} officially ended yesterday. Yes, I made it through an entire year of only relying on thrift stores for my "new" clothes. I can honestly say I've had a blast on this challenge that was anything but challenging. I hope I've showed you guys...

Can you believe it's already September? Yup, another summer flew right by. Oh, and September 1 is also the two year blogiversary of Looking Fly on a Dime. Of course I want to say thanks to all of my awesome readers. Whether you've been down with the blog for a few years or just discovered it, you're appreciated more than you know. I started the blog without any clear intentions but it's evolved in to something I'm so proud of. I truly enjoy sharing my love of thrifting and...

Though you guys know I'm a thrifting queen, I love a great deal at any store I go to. So when Loehmann's invited me to their blogger event last week, I jumped at the opportunity to attend. They offer top designer names for up to 60 percent off the original price.

Stylist Felix Mercado gave us the dish on fall's hottest trends {red, sheath dresses, oversized bags}, we met fashion icon and 90 year old fly girl Iris Apfel and they gave us $300 to shop with.

Leather in the summer time? The two just didn't seem to mix. However, I've been obsessed with leather shorts ever since my homie Danielle {aka The Style & Beauty Doctor} rocked a pair at a concert we went to last year. I've been on the look out for them at my fave thrift stores but never lucked up.

This week Loehmann's invited me to an event and gave all bloggers in attendance a gift card. My Thrifty Threads 365 challenge only lets me wear new, non-thrifted clothing if it's a gift. So I was excited when the first item I stumbled upon was a pair of leather shorts. Check out how I wore them along with my thrift store finds. And be sure to check back next week for more on what I found at the Loehmann's event.