Another month down {seriously, how is it April already?} and another month of my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge. If you're new to the site and don't know about TT365 {read up about it here}, it's a year long quest where I can only purchase thrifted clothes and accessories. The only new items I can wear are undergarments {obviously, I'm not going to buy secondhand undies} and any gifted clothing I may receive. Oh, and did I mention I can only spend $50 a month? Yeah, only 50 bucks. Though I went over my clothing budget in January, I've been under budget every other month.

For March, I spent...$40. Yay, I didn't go over budget and I managed to snag 10 items. Here are my thrift store scores for the month of March...

Goodwill Purse

I found a hieroglyphics style purse at Goodwill for $5, which I showed off in a what I wore post a few weeks ago. The bag doesn't hold much but the design and gold clasp is simply gorgeous.

Thrift Shopping Commandments Last week I gave you the first part of my 10 Thrift Shopping Commandments and here's the final five. They're in no particular order as they're all crucial to ensure a happy, productive thrifting experience.

Would I Buy It At Full Price? This is the question you need to ask yourself before buying anything. Cheap prices can be mighty alluring so you want to be sure you're not solely buying something because it's a steal. Though a dress may be $2, it'll be a total waste of cash if you never wear it.

Thrift Shopping Commandments

Every thrifter I've come across has different techniques they employ to find serious thrift store scores. There's no one way to thrift, but there are a few tips and tricks that make the experience a bit easier. I guess you could call them the Thrift Shopping Commandments. These are the rules you want to adhere to before, during and after thrifting so you can walk away a happy shopper. So without further ado, here are the 10 Thrift Shopping Commandments:

Know Where You're Going: The one question I'm constantly, constantly asked is "how do I find a good thrift store?" It's really trial and error, regardless of where you live. Though NYC has a ton of options, not all of the stores are that awesome. Trust me. Start by checking with national chains like Goodwill and Salvation Army to see if one's in your area. And I really love the site, where you enter your zip code to find secondhand shops near you.

I rarely wear flats. I actually feel naked without a heel and I know a lot of petite ladies who feel the same, but sometimes you find a flat shoe or boot that's so amazing, you don't care if it doesn't add a few inches to your height. And sometimes your feet just need a break! Well, that's exactly what happened when I found a pair of zig zag flat boots at the Salvation Army a few weeks ago. The design was so fly, I couldn't pass them up.The weather in NYC has been a bit mild lately and there's nothing I love more than throwing on a pair of comfy shoes, fitted jeans and a jacket for a day of thrifting, brunch or hanging with friends. But of course an outfit doesn't have to be boring simply because it's casual.

Thrifty Threads 365, looking fly on a dime

Another month gone and another month that I can only thrift shop and spend a max of $50 on secondhand clothes and accessories. My Thrifty Threads 365 challenge is at the five month mark and for February, I stuck to my budget. Yay for me, since last month I went over budget by $23.I haven't had too much time to shop but over the past two weeks I snagged a few goodies and I have to say I absolutely love everything I purchased. Since I can only spend $50, that forces me to only buy things I would regret leaving at the store. Fun, statement pieces that help elevate my wardrobe.I'm a serious heels and stiletto lover but I've been on the hunt for a pair of flat boots and luckily I found them at the Salvation Army {46th St. between 10th and 11th in NYC}. These zig zag boots are just everything to me and the $10 price tag made me do a happy dance.

Thrifty Threads, flat boots