It happened gradually. Well, gradually as in a year or two. First it was a snug fit here. Then a ripped zipper there. I was gaining weight.Before I get into this post, I want to make a few things clear: gaining weight isn't a horrible thing. I'm also not fishing for compliments. But this post is about something real. A question that many women can face. How do you dress when you find yourself suddenly gaining weight and feeling less than comfortable in your existing clothes?I can honestly answer that because it's been happening to me for the past year or so. Again, I'm not seeking anyone to tell me, "Patrice, what are you talking about, you look great!!!" or "girl, stop. You're only a size 8."This has nothing to do with size but more so how to dress your body when your body starts to change. And as I've noticed the number on the scale creep up a bit {I don't even own an actual scale, I just step on one at Target when I'm there shopping for other stuff!} due to age but also horrible habits I've developed, I can tell you one thing.Looking Fly on a Dime - Dressing for Weight Gain

I like to think that I'm a pretty adventurous person. I'll pretty much wear anything, try any trend and my love off all things colorful occasionally has me dressing like a walking bag of Skittles. I wear it. I own it! But I realized a few months ago that a lot of things scare me or just flat out give me anxiety. Are these things "scary," or have I just built up the fear in my mind? It's the latter.A few weeks ago I went on a trip to Nashville with Chevy and I had to seriously ask myself, "did I make a huge mistake???" Though Chevy was our sponsor, there was a fitness component to the trip, including CrossFit and kayaking. Um, CrossFit absolutely freaks me out. The workout just seems so hardcore. I like working out, but those workouts just seem too intense. And as far as kayaking? I can't swim and have a serious fear of large bodies of water. So this trip would have normally been something I said no-way to, but instead I said, let's do it!Chevrolet Silverado CrossFit Event - Nashville

Most of us put some effort into what we wear on a daily basis. I mean, we’re heading out to work, running errands or meeting with friends or loved ones. So you wanna look your best and rep your style, right?Something interesting has started happening to me. Over the past few months, I’ve been focused on what I wear to bed. Yes, bed. I even have a bottom drawer in my dresser that’s solely devoted to loungewear and the first few hangers on my clothing rack are for displaying vintage robes.At first I felt a little silly, but then I realized we all need a feel-good night time routine and for me, that involves wearing what makes me feel great and relaxed. Nighttime Routine - silky red floral kimono robe and pajama romper

I’m pretty much all over the place. I have a million different things to do and at least a dozen deadlines at any given moment. Also, I tend to get pretty overwhelmed at the drop of a dime {I’m working on that!}. But one way I’ve been able to tackle pretty much any large task is to be conscious of my work space. I finally got out of the habit of doing work in bed, so I knew it was time to have a designated work space. But not just any space, I needed something that was functional, aided in my productivity and because I love all things fly, it needed to be fashionable and a reflection of me.And also since I do everything on a budget, I achieved the perfect desk space for just a few bucks with the help of Walmart.Chic desk space with leopard chair

I can't tell you how many times I've rolled my eyes at a boring Instagram Story or YouTube video that's just unnecessarily long. Seriously, I won't even watch a YouTube clip that's more than 10 minutes. I know it's sad, but we're all inundated with media and content, you have to grab people's attention. Immediately. And a 10-plus minute video shows me I can't be bothered. Or if someone is wearing or doing something totally distracting? I can't even focus on the message they're trying to get across.
Appearance is everything. As superficial as that may sound, it's true. We all judge a book by its cover and fashion is the language we speak before we even open our mouths.
So today's post is going to be a little different than my typical "style" topics, but it still incorporates fashion.
This is specifically for you if you want to rep your brand and get in front of the camera {on television, Instagram Story, Instagram Live or YouTube} but you're just not so confident and/or don't want to bore your audience. And these same tips apply even if you just want to be a better public speaker.
It's all about what to do and especially what you wear.