After my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge was over on January 1, I went on a bit of a shopping spree and hit up a few department stores. That resulted in me not thrift shopping for most of January and February. Well, I changed all of that in March and did some serious thrifting. I made multiple trips to the Salvation Army and a mega vintage warehouse.
Check out the video below to see what I thrifted in March, including a statement-making vintage jumpsuit and spring style essentials.

dime-find-of-the-week-shop-jeen-statement-clothes What: Shop Jeen, your online destination for quirky, funky, in-your-face clothes, accessories and lifestyle pieces.Why: I love discovering new {or at least new to me} retailers so I can share them with you guys. The moment I stumbled upon the Shop Jeen site, I wanted to buy every piece or was just tickled by everything I saw.If you love a statement t-shirt, trendy gear or clothes you can post on Instagram and have everyone asking, "where did you get that???," you'll want to check this out.

top-affordable-retailer-affordable-fashion-affordable-style We all have our favorite stores we constantly dip into when we're just browsing or want to see if they have anything new, fun or cute for the season. But sometimes you need to shop for something specific and have no idea where to go, especially without spending a ton of money.If you've ever asked yourself: Where can I find affordable work wear? Who has the best shoes under $100? Are there places that sell quality accessories for less than $30? ...then you'll want to check out the suggestions below.

housing-works-best-of-spring-thrift-shopping-event-thrift-shop It's that time of year again for the Housing Works Best of Sale! I'm a huge Housing Works fan {you know I'm obsessed with the Buy the Bag sale, $25 for a bag full of clothing!} and the Best of is a biannual event where their 12 thrift shops offer the best of their thrifted goods, including vintage and designer clothes, accessories, art, home decor and more.Basically, if you want a curated collection of the best of the best, this is the place to be. The sales are so intense that people line up hours in advance and the stores close the day before to make way for the merchandise.Keep reading for more details on the Housing Works Best of sales and one that's coming up this weekend that I'll be attending!

looking-fly-on-a-dime-dressbar-review-dressbar-by-dressbarn Dressbarn. What comes to mind when you hear that name? For me it's stuffy pantsuits, oversized florals and pretty much nothing I would wear. Well, I can admit when I'm wrong.
Dressbarn recently launched DRESSBAR, a collection of curated dresses from top designers which you can shop online, in store and in NYC, there's a pop up shop {102 Fifth Ave.}.
I tried a few of the dresses out and here are the hits, misses and what you should check out.