29 Dec 2018 Style Challenge: Try It, Wear It, Love It
The new year is just a few days away and maybe you’ve made financial resolutions or have specific fitness goals. Those are great and absolutely necessary, but I also think it’s super important to have fashion resolutions as well. As superficial as “fashion” may feel, it’s a part of our lives. We all have to wear clothes and like it or not, we all judge each other based on appearances. Sucks, but true.
But there’s also so much power in your clothing. Your clothes and overall style speaks before you do. It tells your story or even conveys your mood without you having to say a word. And fashion resolutions are a way to define your personal style and take an assessment as to whether your outward appearance is truly a reflection of who you are and how you feel.
That’s why I came up with the Try It, Wear It, Love It style challenge for January 2018. This is 31 days of trying something new, wearing it and {hopefully} loving it.
But here’s what the challenge isn’t about. It’s not about making you go out and buy new clothes. Nope, it’s the exact opposite.
Try It, Wear It, Love It starts on January 1 and each day has a different prompt. The day’s themes range from ultra violet {the “it” color for 2018} to one piece wonder {your fave dress or jumpsuit} to “I haven’t worn this in forever!” and ending with mixing prints.
The daily activities will encourage you to shop your closet, assess how your clothes make you feel and even try something new. Each day I’ll be offering up tips on Instagram and if you tag your pics with #TryWearLove I’ll be sure to comment and offer any personalized style advice you might need.
[bctt tweet=”Start the new year off in style with a fun 31 day challenge #TryWearLove” username=”PatriceJWill”]
This is all about having fun and trying something new. Just like how I tried something a bit different with the jeans below. I found them for $6 at L Train Vintage in Brooklyn and while shopping for them, I took an Instagram poll to see if I should buy them. They have a high elastic waistband and tapered leg. It was no surprise that over 90 percent of people said don’t buy them. But I knew exactly how I’d style them.
The jean example above is exactly what this challenge is about! I gave the jeans a try, I wore them and now I absolutely love them!
For you it might not be a pair of jeans, but maybe it’s a dress you’ve been eyeing and have been too afraid to wear or don’t know what to wear it with. Or maybe you have a closet full of clothes but find yourself wearing the same thing again and again and…again.
Hopefully you’ll participate in each day’s challenge, but totally fine if you can only do a few days a week. But by the end of Try It, Wear It, Love It, you should have a better idea of the things you like, love and trends that just aren’t your cup of tea. And even an idea of what clothes you might need in your closet and what you can toss. But either way, you’ll have the courage to at least try something different.
Be sure to follow me on Instagram for daily posts and tag your pics with #TryWearLove
Can’t wait to get started with you!
Photos: Monika Fidler, @monikafidler
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