5 Ways to Protect Your Winter Boots

If you’re like most of the country, then you know it’s absolutely freezing and prime time for boot season. I love wearing a sturdy, warm pair of boots in the winter, but the frigid temps can wreak havoc. Between salt-stained boots and soggy shoes, it’s extremely important to show your boots some tender love and care and preserve them for years to come.
Check out five tips to care for your winter boots. The solutions are quick, easy and affordable!

Removing Salt from Leather Winter_Shoe_Care_how-to-remove-salt-stains-leather-boots-care
It’s snowed a few times here on the east coast and that snow means the streets and sidewalks are littered with salt. Great for the streets, not so much for your footwear. Here’s how to easily remove salt stains from your shoes.
Protect Suede Shoes
There’s absolutely nothing worse than getting caught in the rain or snow while wearing a pair of suede boots. But you don’t really have to fear that when you treat your shoes with a coat of protectant. You can buy a it at most drug stores or online {I like the Scotchguard Leather Protector}. It’s great for leather or suede, repels water, oil and decreases salt stains.
Dry Wet Shoes with Newspaper 020514SnowPuddles06AW.jpg
Getting caught in a downpour sucks, but walking around in soggy shoes is even worse. While you may think to place soaked shoes near a heater, this is what you shouldn’t do, as a direct heat source can crack the leather and shrink your shoes. Instead, stuff the foot of the shoes with newspaper, which will absorb the water. Replace with newspaper as needed, until the shoe is completely dry.
Shine Patent Leather with a Household Cleaner
Patent leather normally has a nice shine, but that can quickly dull over time and in the winter. Sure, you can buy shoe polish or just reach for a common item in your cleaning supply pantry. Windex! Yup, the solution you use to get your windows crystal clean can also give a nice polish to your shoes!
Store Your Boots Properly how-to-store-boots-magazines-to-store-boots
Finally, it’s also important to take care of your shoes even when you’re not wearing them. To help boots retain their shape, you can always buy boot shapers or try a little DIY action. I know some people cut up foam swim noodles or you can do like me and roll up old magazines. They’re sturdy enough {especially thick September issues!} to help your boots maintain their shape and stand upright.
How do you care for your shoes in the winter? Do you have any DIY treatments for winter shoe care?
Photos: 1, 2, 3
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