07 Jul 5 Quick, Easy Ways to Cut an Oversized T-Shirt
Let me start off by saying I’m so not the DIY person. Though I love the idea of do-it-yourself projects, sometimes the process has too many steps and is so intimidating, I give up before I even start. So that’s why when I actually do anything DIY related, it’s insanely easy.
I always find cheap t-shirts while thrift shopping and sometimes they have really fun designs or cute sayings. Unfortunately, they tend to be oversized. That’s why I love the idea of DIY projects for shirts that are your style but not necessarily perfect for your shape.
Check out 5 ways to cut an oversized t-shirt.
First up is my super popular DIY project when I converted a jumbo t-shirt into a deep racerback tank. I scored this Nintento shirt from Goodwill for less than a dollar. It had such a nostalgic feel to it so I couldn’t pass it up. I randomly started cutting here and there {sleeves and neckline} and within minutes I had a new look for the shirt. I’m not even exaggerating, cutting this oversized shirt took less than 10 minutes. You can see the easy DIY steps here in my YouTube video that’s been viewed more than 190,000 times.
I recently thrifted a shirt with elephants on the front, but it’s long sleeve and the fit is a little weird. So stay tuned for a DIY in the near future. Since I’m looking for inspiration for my elephant top, I’ve found quite a few other t-shirt DIYs and of course I wanted to share with you.
If you need a quick, easy t-shirt DIY, check out the four options below.
Have you ever DIY’d an oversized t-shirt? What tips would you suggest to new DIYers?
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Posted at 09:27h, 08 July[…] in your wardrobe. The t-shirts are also perfect for summer. {Remember, if you need any ideas for how to cut an oversized t-shirt, check out these DIY ideas.} Where: Prices start at $20 for the iPhone 5 cases and […]
Geraldine Williams
Posted at 11:20h, 08 AugustI woulg like to see different types of T-shirt cut s